Marmoset Breeding Yards

Catalog #53503
All 304 Stainless Steel Construction.
Fixed Pens with Open Design.
Each Pen is ~39-3/8” wide x 27-9/16” deep x 98-7/16” tall.
Each Pen has a large fully hinged Man Door with secure latch. ~39-3/8” wide x 78-3/4” tall.
The Wire Mesh on the Pens and Man Doors is ¾” x ¾” x 1/8” diameter SS Wire.
Frame of Rack is 1” x 1” SS Box Tubing.
Removable Dividers on both sides of Pens are 3/8” thick seaboard plastic. (2 per cage)
Brachiating Bars provided and double as the Removable Divider Guides.
Pens will pair each other with use of the Removable Dividers.
Nest Boxes included.
Perching included.
Water / Food Bowls included.
Design TBD can be modified as needed.
Approval Drawing provided prior to fabrication.
Bead Blasted to a Matte Finish

Catalog #58865
All 304 Stainless Steel Construction.
Fixed Pens with Open Design.
Each Pen is ~34-1/8” wide x 33-1/2” deep x 95-1/4” tall. Overall width is 102-5/8”.
Each Pen has a large fully hinged Man Door with secure latch. ~30-7/8” wide x 77-1/4” tall.
The Wire Mesh on the Pens and Man Doors is ¾” x ¾” x 1/8” diameter SS Wire.
Frame of Rack is 1” x 1” SS Box Tubing.
Removable Center Dividers on Center Pen are 3/8” thick seaboard plastic. (4 Total)
Removable Center Lexan Dividers are 3/8” thick and have ventilation holes. (2 Total)
Brachiating Bars provided and double as the Removable Divider Guides.
Pens will pair each other with use of the Removable Dividers.
Outer Pens have Wire Mesh Panel Side Walls.
Rear of Pens have Wire Mesh Panels.
Perching included.
Water / Food Bowls included.
Approval Drawing provided prior to fabrication.
Bead Blasted to a Matte Finish.