Bat Enclosure

Catalog #48487
Overall dimensions of Collapsible Pens are ~59” wide x 81” long.
Pens have ~30 Square Feet of floor space with ~72” of Interior Height.
Collapsed Pens are able to fit through doorway ~36” wide x 84” tall.
Pens are supported on (6) 5” SS Casters.
Pens will pair with other Pens with latching mechanism.
Collapsible Pen Floor is able to support personnel inside enclosure.
Collapsible Floors will have ½” x ½” SS Wire Mesh Panels.
Control Arms provided to operate floors and ceilings from outside Pen.
All metal components are #304 stainless steel. Autoclavable.
Polished Latches provided. (latches not to be bead blasted with Unit)
Walls, Ceiling and Floors are made with ½” x ½” SS Wire Mesh Panels.
(2) Man Doors provided in each enclosure with ½” x ½” SS Wire Mesh.
Removable Water Troughs and Removable Food Troughs, 5 of each per Enclosure.
Removable Interior Divider Panel that separates the Pen into 2 smaller Pen areas.
Removable Side Wall Panels allow Pens to pair and increase square footage.
Removable Waste Pans provided with secure latch.
Attachment hooks provided to allow enrichment devices to be mounted to ceilings.
All units are bead blasted to a matte finish.
Catalog #51131
Overall dimensions of Collapsible Pens are ~55” wide x 81” long.
Pens have ~30 Square Feet of floor space with ~72” of Interior Height.
Collapsed Pens are able to fit through doorway ~36” wide x 84” tall.
Pens are supported on (4) 5” SS Casters.
Pens will pair with other Pens with latching mechanism.
Collapsible Pen Floor is able to support personnel inside enclosure.
Collapsible Floors will have ½” x ½” SS Wire Mesh Panels.
Control Arms provided to operate floors and ceilings from outside Pen.
All metal components are #304 stainless steel.
Polished Latches provided. (latches not to be bead blasted with Unit)
Walls, Ceiling and Floors are made with ½” x ½” SS Wire Mesh Panels.
(2) Man Doors provided in each enclosure with ½” x ½” SS Wire Mesh.
Removable Water Troughs and Removable Food Troughs, 5 of each per Enclosure.
Removable Side Wall Panels allow Pens to pair and increase square footage.
Removable Waste Pans provided with secure latch.
Attachment hooks provided to allow enrichment devices to be mounted to ceilings.
All units are bead blasted to a matte finish. All Latches will be protected from process.
Approval Drawings provided prior to manufacturing.
2 Pens paired together will provide ~60 square feet of floor space.
Multiple Pens can be paired together to increase square footage even further.