One-Over-One Socialization Rack
Catalog #51652 - pairs with fixed pen

Half Plastic Floor and Half Wire Mesh with Half 1” Deep Waste Pan.
Perches – one at Veranda Height and one mid height.
Perches are removable and are half plastic and half metal bars.
Floor Stoppers provided behind each Rack to be mounted to floor to prevent hitting wall.
Opening in Squeeze Back Panel for Drinking Valve is minimal to prevent animals from sticking their heads and limbs into opening.
Waterlines located at rear of rack. (2) Separate Waterlines – one labeled for Top Cage and one labeled for Bottom Cage. Disconnect located at front side of Cage.
A Quick Disconnect protector tube with padlock tabs provided to prevent animals from disconnecting the waterlines above cages.
Padlock Tabs provided.
Cage Doors removable.
Foraging Board without Mesh – just a tray.
Squeeze Latches – wide and facing front to better protect Latches and provide easier operation.
Single Handed Cage Door operation when opening.